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Awarded: 2016 Lori Breard Achievement in Leadership Award, 2016 Hampton Chamber of Commerce Community Service Award, 2X TownSquare Media Year of Service Award Winner, 2015 Exeter Chamber of Commerce Nonprofit Business of the Year, 3X United States Presidents Service Award for Volunteerism

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June 2019 Newsletter 
  brought to you by 

WOW, Just WOW! - Bill DaGiau
Meet Our Board- Kelly Marion
Luau Beach Party & Pig Roast
Trends Teddy Bear Drive is CLOSED! Thank you!
Hampton Falls Art on the Commons
Amazon Smile You Shop We Benefit 
Annie's Angels Program Information

WOW, Just WOW!
Bill DaGiau
I know, that's a pretty lame title for a newsletter piece but really, that's all I can say. Just WOW! Since the last newsletter I've been shocked, amazed, and just blown away by you all. Let me tell you why...

Since last month's newsletter the Trends Teddy Bear Drive sold out of Teddy Bears. People were buying 10 bears at a time! That's just amazingly generous of you. The kids at Boston Children's Hospital will be so excited to have their Christmas in July. 

Since last month's newsletter we raised nearly $8600.00 for Michelle Schladenhauffen's van fund. With assistance from other grants we are very close to having the van paid but we still need some help. 

Since last month's newsletter we held the Walter Burns Fishing Day for kids with special needs partnering with Piscatiqua Fish and Game. The club had 150 children show up in the rain out of 180 invited. That's 7 out of 9 schools. The club provided poles and bait. Sanderson's Pond was stocked with more than 600 fish and the kids had a blast. As the day went on the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. We had snacks and lunch and each child was presented with a medal. There were trophies for First Fish Boy and Girl, Biggest Fish Boy and Girl, Best Sportsmanship and Smallest Fish Boy and Girl. 

Since last month's newsletter Arti Doucette and Mike Tarmy, produced a progressive metal rock and roll extravaganza at Wally's in Hampton that raised nearly $1300.00 for Annie's Angels and Chris Pets for Vets as well as funds for other veteran organization. I know the amount of work that goes into an event like this. Thank you doesn't even begin to say what this means to Annie's Angels and Chris Pets for Vets.

Since last month's newsletter we started and completed a project on a family's home. Fundraising was done over the course of months and working with Diamond Hill Builders of Stratham a new porch and ramp was built so Ethan's family can get his wheelchair to the driveway without manhandling him and without making multiple trips up and down the walk. This makes for a better situation for everyone.

Since our last newsletter we helped Tom make his world a bit larger. Tom has one leg and was getting around on a manual wheelchair. This was dangerous and difficult. Tom had to use his good leg to pull himself along. This made his chair wildly unstable. He would get stuck or fall and be unable to help himself back up. We purchased a brand new four wheeled scooter so Tom can get around town. Today he is a very happy man!

Finally, since our last newsletter, we held the 23rd Annual Rye By The Sea 5K Walk/Run and Duathlon. While I don't have numbers yet, I can say it was a very successful day. Everyone had fun, no one got hurt and many said they'd be back next year! I'll keep you posted on the final numbers.

Why does all of this WOW me? Look back at what we did in just one month. Look back at what we were able to accomplish. Look at the lives we changed for the better. When I say we, I mean all of us, you, me, our volunteers, anyone who participated in any way shape or form. If you're not participating or think our job is done, it isn't and you should participate. Please visit  and make a tax deductible contribution today. 

Thank you all for time, talent and treasure. Without you we'd be nothing.
Meet Our Board - Kelly Marion
My journey with Annie’s Angels began back in high school, when I would spend time at Valerio’s Kitchen, Bill and Diane’s deli, after school. One evening, Bill and Diane were holding a Board meeting in the back of the deli, and a woman was out front waiting for her turn to address the Board about a fundraising event she wanted to hold to raise money for her son who had a rare genetic disease.  I remember asking her about her son and her plans for this fundraiser, and she said she wanted to hold a 5k, but she didn’t have experience putting together a fundraiser and didn’t know where to begin.  I started to think about what I could do to help out.  Being seventeen and knowing I didn’t have any professional contacts, I realized the one thing I could do was get my high school to host the event. I had no experience putting together a fundraiser myself, but after hearing her story, I knew I had to help in any way I could. So I met with my principal and convinced him to let us have the 5K at Exeter High School, and the event turned out to be a huge success.  I know my contribution wasn’t much, but seeing how many people came to support this family and knowing I had even the slightest bit to do with making the event happen, inspired me.  I knew this was what I was meant to do.

 Annie’s Angels is unique in that it doesn’t just give one-time grants or donations to families in need; it empowers families to become their own advocates and learn how to fund raise.  While it might be rewarding to give a donation, it’s an entirely different experience to see a whole community come together to support a family or a child, or to congratulate a parent on the success of an event they didn’t think they could make happen. 

After the success of this first event, I started doing whatever I could to help Annie’s Angels and the families they supported. I joined the Board of Directors in 2012, and even though I was juggling a full college workload and a job at the time, I made Annie’s Angels a priority.  While most of my peers spent their 20's planning parties, I was volunteering at road races, golf tournaments, and auctions.  If my schedule was free, I was there.  I became involved in several events throughout the year, and took on as many duties and responsibilities as I could so I could immerse myself in the process. I know Bill makes it look easy, but a tremendous amount of work goes on behind the scenes to make Annie’s Angels and every one of our events successful.

It’s hard to believe it’s been eight years since I first became involved with this organization.  I am currently the Treasurer of Annie’s Angels, I am on the auction committee for our annual Heavenly Ball, and I am the Director of Registration for our Rye by the Sea 5K and Duathlon.  I have learned so much and have grown so much as a person from this organization, and every day I am impressed by all the work they do for families in our community.  I couldn’t be more grateful or honored to have this organization and these kindhearted people in my life.

Thanks to YOU we are able to ease some of the stresses that come with a doctors diagnosis. We justcan't do this good work without YOUR support. I ask that you please consider making a tax deductible contribution to Annie's Angels or visit  the  Our Families tab on the website and select a particular family to help. Get updates about "your family" on the website or follow them on social media to see how your contributions are working, and thanks again for your continued support.

Trends Teddy Bear Drive is CLOSED!

Thanks to your generosity TRENDS IS SOLD OUT! 
While you can no longer buy the bears at Trends, we are accepting NEW UNWRAPPED stuffed animals to add to these Trends Bears. Hold a drive at work, at your club or in your neighborhood! We only ask that they are NEW and UNWRAPPED stuffed animals. To drop off email bill@anniesangles,org  and make arrangements. We will be delivering all the stuffed animals to
Boston Children's Hospital on July 17!


An outdoor art exhibition connecting our community
The Town of Hampton Falls, Department of Parks and Recreation held the 3rd annual 
“Hampton Falls Art on the Common,” a juried, outdoor art festival in historic Hampton Falls, NH on Saturday, June 1 on Hampton Falls Common. 
Thanks to Show Director Carol Whalen, and Marketing Director Norma Torti for inviting Annie's Angels to be a part of the fun. Candie Wright covered our tent and gave out crayons and blank logos for the kiddos to color. She also sold our new Angel Chocolates and our new Angel Message Sheets raising nearly $300.00!

Do you shop online? Do you shop on Amazon? If you do, please click the banner below to enter Be sure to follow this link to  Annie's Angels  and select us as your preferred charity! By doing this you will help Annie's Angels raise much needed funds.
You shop, we benefit! It won't cost you a thing. Thanks for your support.

Chris' Pets for Vets  
provides companion animals to our veterans through Cocheco Valley Humane Society and the veterans are loving it! To keep this program viable we need your help! PLEASE make a tax deductible contribution now.
Annie's Helping Hands Oncology Program  
Annie’s Angels Memorial Fund established Annie’s Helping Hands in 2012. Annie’s Helping Hands is a multidisciplinary holistic oncology program. Participants of the program are eligible to receive Massage, Reiki and Meditation therapies for up to 6 months. Services are provided by professionals you select and must have specialized training in oncology in their field.

Please contribute to Annie's Helping Hands today!
Angel Fund
We invite YOU to become a beacon of hope for local families struggling financially through the darkness of a life threatening disease, illness or disability, YOU can be a connection neighbor to neighbor, friend to friend and business to business and we invite YOU to be part of a caring fundraising network.
CLICK to follow us on Facebook
Please contribute today!


Thanks to our local business owners for their contributions to this newsletter. If you have something to contribute email for consideration

If you have an expertise that could help a local family struggling financially through a life threatening disease, illness or disability and would like to share your time, talent or treasure simply email  .

If you found this newsletter helpful or inspiring and would like to donate OR to find out more about Annie's Angels Memorial Fund visit
For more Annie's Angels news and family stories visit

Don't miss a second of Annie's Angels fun. Check out the entire list of events at 

"Annie’s Angels is Angel Hands, Angel Hearts working together to help friends in need."
Best Regards,

Bill DaGiau, Founder & President
Annie's Angels Memorial Fund Inc.

www.anniesangels. org
a 501(c)(3) charity
Awarded: 2016 Lori Breard Achievement in Leadership Award 
2016 Hampton Chamber of Commerce Community Service Award
2X TownSquare Media Year of Service Award Winner
2015 Exeter Chamber of Commerce Nonprofit Business of the Year
3X United States Presidents Service Award for Volunteerism

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