Welcome to Annie's Angels newsletter brought to you by EnviroVantage! We're thrilled to have you on board. Get ready to fill your inbox with heartwarming stories, exciting updates, and ways to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Stay tuned for a journey of kindness and compassion!
Our Current Statistics
Days of continuous operation - 03/10/2007 - 09/30/2024 =
Total Number of Requests Filled to Date -
Totals Include:
Angel Pet Distributions =
Service Dogs =
Arts for Angels Projects =
Requests filled do not include:
Total Teddy Bears to Boston Children's Hospital and Dartmouth Hitchcock
Requests -
September 2023 = 113 v September 2024 = 74 -42%
Requests Year to Date -
2023 = 773 v 2024 = 426 -58%
Distribution $ to Help Families-Year to Date -
2023-$403,466 v 2024 - $295,410 -27%
Donation $ Raised - Year to Date -
2023 = $575,528 v 2024 = $621,096 +8%

As the founder of Annie's Angels Memorial Fund, I have been so blessed to have a huge connection with so many who I now call our Angel Family.
To our donors and volunteers who give thoughtfully, selflessly, and are consistently generous, thank you. We need your never ending support now and always.
To our Angel Families who are struggling through disease, illness or disability, I admire your courageous strength to face a new day, and battle through. You inspire me, you energize me, and you consistently force me to go outside of my comfort zone to serve you better. Thank you!
When I announced back in June my intention to make a permanent move to the Sunshine State, there were many questions to be answered, many obstacles to overcome, and some turmoil to calm. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure we could overcome any of it. Some board members decided this might be a good time to serve Annie's Angels in other ways...if it survived. Others looked at this as a great opportunity, and still others joined our board to ensure Annie's Angels survival.
As we enter the fall season, Annie's Angels could be, as the season implies, falling into a deep angel slumber and into a never ending winter. But that IS NOT the case!
As with all the exciting things happening this fall, leaf peeping, apple picking, pumpkin picking, and pumpkin spice coffee...well maybe not that last one, lol, Annie's Angels is moving forward, onward, and upward like never before.
Our board members and advisors, new and old come with new or renewed mountains of enthusiasm, new ideas and better ways to look into our angel future! Our new Director of Development, Susan Young brings 20 years of experience running her own business, Clean by the Sea. She is excited to be on staff and is willing to meet with anyone, anytime, just as I was. Caitlynn Pitts, a new board member has taken on our social media outlets and will be making changes to keep you current with everything Annie's Angel related. I will continue to answer the requests from our Angel families and caseworkers. Susan, Caitlynn and I zoom, chat and cell call regularly to ensure we are all on the same page.
To introduce you to all our board and advisors we will begin a new segment in our newsletter entitled "Meet the Board". It will be in the newsletter as well as on all our social media.
In closing, I want to thank you all again for the last 17 years. YOU have allowed me to serve. YOU have allowed our Angel Families to prosper. YOU have been a beacon of hope for so many, I have only been the conduit, the connection between donors and recipients. I look forward to many years of service to come.
I am Humbly Yours,
William DaGiau, Founder
Annie's Angels Memorial Fund Inc.
What do we do with the money we raise? WE CHANGE LIVES!
This month your contributions helped 74 families receive a beacon of hope.
YOU helped 3 Angel families get car repairs so they can get to their doctors appointments and other treatments.
YOU helped patients receive 4 massages to ease their cancer treatment pains.
YOU helped 7 Angel families participate in Hippotherapy they couldn't otherwise afford.
YOU helped 7 Angel families pay for co-pays at their doctor's appointments.
YOU helped 12 Angel families pay rent or mortgage.
YOU helped 20 Angel families pay for utilities.
YOU did all this and so much more. Please help us continue to never say NO to a family struggling through disease, illness or disability. Visit
How can you help Annie's Angels maintain service excellence?
Make a tax deductible donation today!
Make a monthly recurring donation, just set it and forget it!
Go to Anniesangels.org

Angel Brew is ON SALE NOW!
Thanks to our friends at Woodland Farms Brewery,
and to ALL the locations selling Angel Brew When: AVAILABLE NOW!
Woodlands Farm Brewery, 7 Cottage Way, Kittery, ME 03904-5641
Ask for it by Name At:
*McKinnon's Market & Super Butcher Shop, Portsmouth *WHYM Craft Pub & Brewery, Hampton *Logan's Run Restaurant and Sports Lounge, Hampton *The City Beverage Centers, Seabrook *The City Beverage Centers, Seabrook *The City Beverage Centers, Rochester *The City Beverage Centers, Portsmouth *The City Beverage Centers, Sanford, ME *Prost! Specialty Beer and Wine, North Hampton *Community Oven, Hampton *Shane's Texas Pit, Hampton *The Old Salt, Hampton * Hop and Grind, Durham *Greg and Jane's Beer and Wine, Epping *Smileys Beverage, Dover *C-Man Roadside, Epsom *Tuckaway Store, Raymond, *The Packie Craft Beer, Hooksett, *Smiley's Beverage, Dover, *Beer and Wine Nation, North Conway, *The Venue, Portsmouth, *920 Smoke, Seabrook, *Capital Beverage, Concord
A percentage from every can sold
will benefit Annie's Angels, Angel Fund.
Sometimes it’s the big things we do, sometimes it’s the little things, but they are all important things that we do together. Please share our mission of hope with family, friends, and everyone you meet! All of our Annie's Angels successes are because of YOU, the Angels Among Us who give generously and give often.
Without YOU, WE are nothing.
Join us this, and every Wednesday (6:30pm - 9:00pm) for weekly Cribbage for a Cause
at WHYM Craft Pub & Brewery
benefiting Annie's Angels Memorial Fund.
We have been seeing a boost in new and returning players, as well as folks who would like to learn the game and enter the tournament! If it’s something you always wanted to learn, we are all happy to teach!! We play friendly games, (no muggins) and everyone who plays is supportive and helpful no matter how experienced you may be!!
Just $10 per person, a portion goes to Annie’s Angels and the winner takes the pot! Weekly tournament style. Hope to see you there!
Remember, we have never said NO to a family that meets our mission and needs our help