Kale Pitt's Quality of Life Fund

Kale Pitts Quality of Life Fund

 Time Left to Donate to Kale Pitts Quality of Life Fund
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 Kale Pitts Quality of Life  Fund

Our Goal - $50,000  You've Helped Raise $28,497.00

On March 13, 2021 Kale’s world was turned upside down. At just 22 years old he suffered a spinal cord injury that left him paralyzed from the chest down. There was so much uncertainty during that time and we were unsure if he was going to pull through but he is a WARRIOR.

We have faced many trials and tribulations over the last 2+ years and our world continues to change. We are so thankful to have become one of Annie’s Angels.

Since becoming apart of such an amazing community Kale’s faith and hope have been restored!

We have been able to obtain a means of transportation for Kale! This has truly changed his life! We have been able to get to appointments with ease and get out of the house in general!

The joy we have seen Kale express these last few months have been PRICELESS!

This fund will remain open and will be utilized for paying off the van, maintaining insurance and maintenance on the van, and any needs that may arise for the overall care and well being of Kale! There is so much that goes into the day to day aspect of caring for Kale!

You have no idea how much your support means to Kale and our entire family! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We appreciate you and all your continued support!
Please make a tax deductible donation today!

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