Who Are Annie's Angels

Q. What is Annie's Angels?

Annie’s Angels is a 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to helping families struggling financially with the challenges of diseases and disabilities by connecting neighbor to neighbor and friend to friend in a caring fundraising network.

Q. What is Annie's Angels looking for?

Annie’s Angels is looking for SeaCoast families and individuals who are in true need of assistance to maintain life’s daily requirements (food, shelter, clothing, transportation) while going thru a medical situation and caring people (friends, neighbors, businesses) who want to help them in their time of need.

Q. What does Annie's Angels need?

Our needs are based on each families’ situation. In every situation, finances are a stress to the family and become a stress to Annie’s Angels Memorial Fund so monetary donations are always welcome. We also accept gift cards for gas, groceries, clothing, anything you can think of that YOU use daily, they use daily and can use help getting.

Q. How can I help?

You can help by keep your eyes open for families struggling from a medical issue and let them know that Annie’s Angels Memorial Fund cares. “LIKE” us on Facebook for up to the minute updates regarding events, family needs and wish lists, SHARE the information with your family and friends. You never know who is willing to help!

Q. How can I get involved?

What is it YOU like to do – there are many ways to volunteer (Fund Raising, Coordinate Events, Promotions & Marketing) Check out our Volunteer Page for ideas. Make a monthly donation, sponsor an event, the options are endless.

Q. How is my contribution distributed?

To claim a donation to Annie’s Angels Memorial Fund Inc, Fed ID 20-8562444 as TAX DEDUCTIBLE, contributions are solicited with the understanding that Annie’s Angels Memorial Fund Inc. has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. This means donations technically cannot be “earmarked” for a specific cause. We have ALWAYS paid out what we raise to each family or cause…we just need to reserve the right (per the IRS) to not pay out if a cause is proved a hoax or has hidden great wealth and thus has no financial hardship.

We pride ourselves on our transparency and are happy to answer questions and provide documentation of our IRS status. We retain 10% of funds raised for administration fees and give 90% to each family or cause. We also support families and causes that are not actively fundraising on our website.
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