Amanda Ranauro Autism Assistance Fund

Amanda Ranauro Autism Assistance Fund

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Amanda Ranauro Autism Assistance Fund

Welcome to The Amanda Ranauro Autism Assistance Fund.

Amanda Ranauro will be remembered for her love of family, friends, and vocation, teaching children on the autism spectrum.

After her untimely passing, Amanda’s family made a commitment to honor her memory through the Amanda Ranauro Charity Golf Tournament. The money raised would be used to help families on the spectrum have a better life. 

The Amanda Ranauro Autism Assistance Fund has been created and will operate under the Annie's Angels umbrella, with continued guidance and input from the Ranauro & Gianino families, allowing Annie's Angels to fund therapies and equipment like Hippotherapy, music therapy, provide acoustic & sensory suppression and compression equipment as well as teardrop swings, weighted vests & blankets, compression vests and pajamas, chew toys, sensory body socks and more.

While this program will be funded mainly through the Amanda Ranauro Charity Golf Tournament held each June, we need YOUR help to remain active throughout the year.

Please make a tax deductible donation today!
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