Discover What's New December 2024
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What's Happening This Month
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Annie's Angels Program Information
What's Happening This Month
Bill DaGiau
Welcome to Annie's Angels newsletter brought to you by EnviroVantage! We're thrilled to have you on board. Get ready to fill your inbox with heartwarming stories, exciting updates, and ways to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Stay tuned for a journey of kindness and compassion!
Our Current Statistics
Days of continuous operation - 03/10/2007 - 11/30/2024 = 6476
Requests Filled to Date - 9291
Including: Total Angel Pet Distributions = 659 Total Service Dogs = 9 Total Arts for Angels Projects = 797
Requests filled does not include 11,000 Total Teddy Bears to Boston Children's Hospital and Dartmouth Hitchcock Requests - November 2023 = 127 v November 2024 = 71 -44%
Requests Year to Date - 2023 = 972 v 2024 = 554 -43%
Distribution $ to Help Families-Year to Date - 2023-$528,269 v 2024 - $404,866 -23%
Donation $ Raised - Year to Date - 2023 = $639.045 v 2024 = $654,840 +2%
Welcome to the season of gratitude, the season of giving, the season of joy, the season of love, the season of hope, the season that so many wait for all year long! Some call it the Holiday Season because there are so many holidays from Thanksgiving to New Years. I call it the Christmas Season! For me Christmas is the highlight. For me, a savior is born and I am so thankful for that. What else am I thankful for? I'm thankful for YOU, each and every one of YOU. YOU provide everything humanly possible to make our mission sustainable. Have you ever noticed how I always write YOU in all caps? That's because YOU are so very important to our Annie's Angels mission. Without YOU, we are nothing. I'm also grateful for our Angel Families. They struggle, claw, and fight for every second of life, seconds that we, so many times take for granted. They are so happy to receive the smallest bit of help. They're so grateful for everything they have and every bit of help we offer. It means so much to me to be able to serve our Angel Families. What do we do with the funding that YOU provide? Well in November we provided assistance for 71 families! YOU allowed us to pay rent for 3 families. YOU allowed us to pay to have 9 vehicles repaired. YOU allowed 7 cancer patients to receive massage therapy through our Annie's Helping Hands Program. YOU paid utility bills for 14 families! YOU did all this and so much more. Today is Giving Tuesday, a day meant for you to share some of your savings from Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday with the charity of your choice. I hope the charity YOU choose is Annie's Angels. Beyond Giving Tuesday, Annie's Angels continues with our Year End Campaign. Year End Campaign is so very important because it replenishes funds we've responsibly used throughout the year helping our Angel Families, and it set the stage for 2025. I'm asking YOU to please make your charitable, tax deductible donation today. Visit our GiveSmart donation
platform now by clicking the blue GiveSmart link!
On behalf of our Angel Families, our Board of Directors, and Advisory Board I thank you for a great year, a productive year, a compassionate year. I am Humbly Yours, William DaGiau, Founder Annie's Angels Memorial Fund Inc.
For the last 17 years, YOU have done all this and so much more. Please help us continue to never say NO to a family struggling through disease, illness or disability. Visit AnniesAngels.org
How can you help Annie's Angels maintain service excellence? Make a tax deductible donation today!
Make a monthly recurring donation, just set it and forget it!
Go to Anniesangels.org
Does your company have a donor match program? We make it easy with our NEW Double the Donation platform. This platform lets you search if your company offers matching donations. It will bring you to their donor match website, and in most cases, you can fill out the form and submit, quickly, easily, and worry free!
 Sometimes it’s the big things we do, sometimes it’s the little things, but they are all important things that we do together. Please share our mission of hope with family, friends, and everyone you meet! All of our Annie's Angels successes are because of YOU, the Angels Among Us who give generously and give often. Without YOU, WE are nothing.
Join us this, and every Wednesday (6:30pm - 9:00pm) for weekly Cribbage for a Cause at WHYM Craft Pub & Brewery
benefiting Annie's Angels Memorial Fund.
We have been seeing a boost in new and returning players, as well as folks who would like to learn the game and enter the tournament! If it’s something you always wanted to learn, we are all happy to teach!! We play friendly games, (no muggins) and everyone who plays is supportive and helpful no matter how experienced you may be!!
Just $10 per person, a portion goes to Annie’s Angels and the winner takes the pot! Weekly tournament style. Hope to see you there!
Remember, we have never said NO to a family that meets our mission and needs our help
Angel Pets for Vets
provides companion animals, helps provide service dogs and helps get companion dogs certified as service dogs for veterans through local rescue shelters and the veterans are loving it! To keep this program viable we need your help! PLEASE make a tax deductible contribution now.
Arts for Angels
Arts for Angels ™ is a unique art program of Annie’s Angels Memorial Fund whose mission is to bring joy, self-expression, sense of calmness and meaningful connection to people in assisted and independent living, adult day-out, hospice, and senior centers through the process of creating art.
Annie's Helping Hands Oncology Program
Annie’s Angels Memorial Fund established Annie’s Helping Hands in 2012. Annie’s Helping Hands is a multidisciplinary holistic oncology program. Participants of the program are eligible to receive Massage, Reiki and Meditation therapies for up to 6 months. Services are provided by professionals you select and must have specialized training in oncology in their field. Please contribute today!
Angel Fund
We invite YOU to become a beacon of hope for local families struggling financially through the darkness of a life threatening disease, illness or disability, YOU can be a connection neighbor to neighbor, friend to friend and business to business and we invite YOU to be part of a caring fundraising network. Please contribute today!
Drumming for
& Elder Care
People affected with Parkinson’s experience shaking, tremors, muscle stiffness and loss of balance. As we get older, memory loss, sleep deprivation and loneliness slowly creep into our daily lives. The good news is these symptoms and more can be improved through rhythmic drumming. Please contribute today!