Welcome to Annie's Angels newsletter brought to you by EnviroVantage! We're thrilled to have you on board. Get ready to fill your inbox with heartwarming stories, exciting updates, and ways to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Stay tuned for a journey of kindness and compassion!
Our Current Statistics
Days of continuous operation -
03/10/2007 - 10/31/2024 = 6446
Requests Filled to Date -
Total Angel Pet Distributions = 659 Total Service Dogs = 9 Total Arts for Angels Projects = 707
Requests filled does not include 11,000 Total Teddy Bears to Boston Children's Hospital and Dartmouth Hitchcock
Requests -
October 2023 = 72 v October 2024 = 57 -23%
Requests Year to Date -
2023 = 845 v 2024 = 483 -55%
Distribution $ to Help Families-Year to Date -
2023-$470,729 v 2024 - $371,935 -21%
Donation $ Raised - Year to Date -
2023 = $597,457 v 2024 = $643,319 +8%
I have so many great things to share, I don't know where to begin!
Please join us for our first ever Annie's Angels Thanksgiving Food Drive. The drop off location is Great Bay Athletic Club, 191 Exeter Road, Newmarket. Details are on the flyer below.
Thanks to Tyler Evans and Mychal Beebe, owner of Arete Chiropractic for once again supporting Angel families. Join them at Arete Chiropractic for the Arete Chiropractic Annual Angel Giving Tree. Details can be found on the flyer below. Basically, through the month of November, and into early December, you bring in a $25 gift card to Arete Chiropractic, 875 Greenland Rd UNIT A2, Portsmouth and they will provide a complimentary regular office visit. The gift cards collected will help provide a very MERRY CHRISTMAS to as many Angel Families as possible!

I want to congratulate one of our amazing board members, Susan Young, our new Director of Development. She cleaned up at the recent BNI Awards! Congratulations Susan! I'll let her tell you in her own words...
"Tonight was a very special night for me at the BNI Awards Banquet. I received my 5 year pin, Member of the Year Award from my chapter and Regional Member of the Year for New Hampshire!
I am a member of BNI Seacoast Success and have held many leadership roles. This chapter has been pivotal in building my green commercial cleaning company
CLEAN by the sea, LLC. I know BNI Seacoast Success will be a huge support in my new role as Director of Development for
Annie's Angels Memorial Fund. I’m looking forward to growing my network.
I’m so grateful that
Scott Earwood
with Edward Jones asked me to visit his networking group back in 2015. I had no idea this group would change my life!"
I am Humbly Yours,
William DaGiau, Founder
Annie's Angels Memorial Fund Inc.
What do we do with the money YOU provide? WE CHANGE LIVES!
As Fiscal Sponsor for the Brandon and Nathan Van Fund
it was an honor to help raise $65,000!
Brandon and Nathan are identical twins with Late Onset Krabbe’s Leukodystrophy. The boys were
in need of a wheelchair van that can accommodate two wheelchairs.
This van will allow the boys to have easier travel to go out for activities such as the movies, beach, and shopping. It will also help the boys get to their doctor’s appointments.
Both Brandon and Nathan love going for car rides and going over all the
bumps, having their own van will allow for easier travel.
As Brandon & Nathan take their first ride in their new accessible van dad had this to say, “I cannot thank you guys enough. This is the first ride in a van and everything went very well. Done right motors did an awesome job setting us up. Again thank you guys and we’ll see you all soon at The brook .”
Thank you to
The Brook
and all the other charities who came together to make this $65,000 purchase possible. This is going to make a huge difference in this family's life!

Another Fiscal Sponsorship Annie's Angels provide is for
Friends of Carlisle Academy.
Friends of Carlisle Academy exists to benefit the health and well-being of children and adults who participate in Carlisle Academy’s community programs. The fund underwrites special programs, sponsors education and training for emerging leaders in the field, and stewards the horses and farm resources in service to these community programs. To read more, please
click here
Carlisle has been highlighted in
Your Dressage Magazine
For the last 17 years, YOU have done all this and so much more. Please help us continue to never say NO to a family struggling through disease, illness or disability. Visit
How can you help Annie's Angels maintain service excellence?
Make a tax deductible donation today!
Make a monthly recurring donation, just set it and forget it!
Go to Anniesangels.org

Sometimes it’s the big things we do, sometimes it’s the little things, but they are all important things that we do together. Please share our mission of hope with family, friends, and everyone you meet! All of our Annie's Angels successes are because of YOU, the Angels Among Us who give generously and give often.
Without YOU, WE are nothing.
Join us this, and every Wednesday (6:30pm - 9:00pm) for weekly Cribbage for a Cause
at WHYM Craft Pub & Brewery
benefiting Annie's Angels Memorial Fund.
We have been seeing a boost in new and returning players, as well as folks who would like to learn the game and enter the tournament! If it’s something you always wanted to learn, we are all happy to teach!! We play friendly games, (no muggins) and everyone who plays is supportive and helpful no matter how experienced you may be!!
Just $10 per person, a portion goes to Annie’s Angels and the winner takes the pot! Weekly tournament style. Hope to see you there!
Remember, we have never said NO to a family that meets our mission and needs our help