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December 2023 Newsletter

Merry Christmas! December 2023 Newsletter

Awarded: 2016 Lori Breard Achievement in Leadership Award, 2016 Hampton Chamber of Commerce Community Service Award, 2X TownSquare Media Year of Service Award Winner, 2015 Exeter Chamber of Commerce Nonprofit Business of the Year, 3X United States President's Service Award for Volunteerism

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Merry Christmas!
December 2023 Newsletter
  brought to you by 

What's Happening This Month
Upcoming Events Update
Annie's Angels Program Information

What's Happening This Month
Bill DaGiau
Consecutive Days of Service- 3/10/2007 - 11/30/2023 = 6110
Total Requests Filled= 8363 which includes:
Total Angel Pets= 585; Total Service Dogs= 9; Total Arts for Angels Projects= 576
Does not include 11,000 Teddy Bears to Boston Children's and Dartmouth Hitchcock
Requests - November 2022 = 93 v November 2023 = 78 -16%
Requests Year to Date- 2022 = 778 v 2023 = 930 +20%
Distribution $ to Help Families-Year to Date- 2022-$346,082 v 2023 - $529,790 +53%
Donation $ Raised - Year to Date- 2022 = $576,241 v 2023 = $635,445 +10%
A Short Story of A Roof for Steven and Karen.
Part 1 - The Ask
Hello, we are Steve and Karen, we find ourselves in dire need of a roof. This picture shows the areas leaking into our home.        
Steve wanted to replace it himself but, after beating cancer twice, has been recently diagnosed with dementia. Now, we are both disabled.
We would be so grateful for any financial help to hire a roofer to secure our home for the winter.
Thank you sincerely,
Karen & Steve
Part 2 - A Community Hero Comes to the Rescue
I posted Steve and Karen’s fundraising page on our Annie’s Facebook and a friend, Ryan saw it. Ryan tagged his friend Jeromy who saw the post and who happens to be a roofer/siding guy! We emailed for a few days asking questions, trying to get a better deal than $7500.00 for a leaking addition roof. Finally, he came back with his company’s price. It was a good price, but we didn’t have it. Steve & Karen don’t have much social media support, and this was going to be up to Annie’s Angels supporters to make it happen. As I told Jeromy we didn’t raise anything yet. I told him I was praying for a Christmas miracle and that I’d get back to him, maybe by the spring. We wished each other a happy holiday and went about our day. Somewhere along the way, I’m just guessing here, the owner heard Jeromy talking to vendors about pricing Steve & Karen’s roof. By the end of the day the owner pulled Jeromy aside and told him that they would do the roof FOR FREE!
I got this email minutes later…
Hi Bill-
You asked for a Christmas miracle and Christmas has come early! The owners heard about your foundation and the homeowner in need.
They want to replace the roof at no cost. They are going to cover all the costs for you.
We can work out the details but wanted to get this over to you as I just heard the news!

Who is this community hero? James and Whitney Co.! By the way, their office is 2+ hours away from Steve & Karen’s house.
When things seem their darkest, people like Ryan, Jeromy, and James and Whitney bring the sunlight back.

Thanks to everyone who participated in Giving Tuesday. It was a great beginning to our Year End Campaign! We need to end the year STRONG! We need to reach our $50,000 goal and can only do it with your help. Please visit our Year End Campaign Page to add your name to our donor list. Please help us get to $50,000! 

I would like to thank Kelly Marion, she works the back office of the Givesmart app like a pro! Her insight produces all the success we found using the app. I would also like to thank everyone who participated in Giving Tuesday by building a donation page and trying to raise money. Mike Welty raised more than $5,000 and was matched by 2 donors turning his $5,000 into $15,000! Diane DaGiau met her goal of $500 and Diane Kearney, Kelly Marion, Tonya Knightly, Paul Deschaine, and Chris & Susan Young are still working to reach their goal. The Giving Tuesday page has now become our Year End Campaign. Our Giving Tuesday/Year End goal is $50,000. We are currently at $12,000 with Mike’s matches still to come. YOU can still build a page and help us fundraise. Please continue to send family and friends to to help us reach our goal!

Thanks again to Susan and Chris Young! They raised $1500 for the Winter Warm Up Raffle. Depending on pricing on any given day, this will buy 4 - 100 deliveries of oil to Angel Families.
The winner of the Winter Warm Up is Sally Cobb! Her name was drawn LIVE on Facebook, December 1. 
Thanks to Susan & Chris' company Clean By The Sea provided the $500 VISA gift card to the winner.

Nothing says Merry Christmas like Heavenly Ball tickets! YOU can get them NOW! Buy a table of 8 tickets and enjoy a May 11 reunion with family and friends. YOU can't get these tickets anywhere else. They are so fresh, we don't even have a flyer yet but YOU can get YOUR tickets now! 

I would like to remind everyone we are selling holiday baskets via our link at If you or your company are sending gift baskets, please use our link. Annie's Angels receives 15% of each sale when you use our link! Also, please share the link to family and friends who may benefit from using our gourmet gift baskets partnership. Remember, Annie's Angels receives 15% for each basket sold thanks to the generosity of Gourmet Gift Baskets. That means they don't jack the prices to give us 15%, it's their same everyday low pricing! 

Check out The Laughing Dog @ Sea Dog Brewing, Exeter. Tickets are $20.00 and three organizations will benefit, Angel Pets for Vets, On the Hunt Veteran Strong and Voice Library for Military & First Responders. Seating is limited so buy your seats today at  eventbright for tickets.

Your comedians for the evening are: Host, Mystaru was a New Hampshire Rapper and DJ turned comic, who can also sell you a home as a Real Estate Agent. He finds jokes in every situation, because it’s free to laugh and he uses life situations to get his jokes for the people.

Matt Blanchette. Full time realtor, part time comedian, Matt Blanchette came on the comedy scene in 2021 playing open mics in Essex County and Southern NH, and starting his own monthly charity event at the Claddagh in Lawrence every third Wednesday featuring some of Boston's best comedians.

Nathan Burke has been kicking around the New England comedy scene for over a decade. Ranging from traditional standup to bizarre characters, Nathan has a unique approach. In essence, he’s a silly goose. As a regular at the Comedy Studio and some of the area’s alternative comedy shows, Nathan has cultivated a style (or lack thereof) all his own.

  Arianna Magee is an up and coming comedian from the Boston area. Her deadpan humor and wry take on being a woman will have you peeing your period panties. When Arianna is not on stage you can find her shaking from drinking too much espresso and talking to anyone who will listen about cults.

Bryan Muenzer is very tall in stature and short in attention span so his jokes are mostly quick one liners. His sense of humor derives from a blend of being awkwardly tall and just plain awkward. He was a finalist in the 2022 New England funniest Comedian contest and performs regularly in Boston and New York City.

Kristin O’Brien has been entertaining audiences in New England and Texas for 13 years. She has performed at festivals across the country including The Ladies of Laughter festival in NYC, Boston Comedy Festival’s The Dirty Show and Comcast’s Trial By Laughter which aired in spring 2017. Auntie Kristin’s perspectives on marriage, children, divorce will keep you in stitches!

Kevin Ryan has performed comedy all over New England and beyond. This time of year, when he's not dropping punchlines he's dropping fishing lines. Come join the fun, as Kevin reels in the laughter with his rapid fire comedy style.

I want to thank Marie Brownell from Brownell Insurance who collected pet food and raised $1500 in cash, checks and gift cards to support Angels Pets. Diane and I dropped the pet food to Darbster Dog in Chichester, who is one of our main Angel Pets adoption agencies.

Thanks to Bridget and Piscataqua Fish and Game, in association with the Walter Burns Fishing Day, provided 4 Angels Families with Thanksgiving dinner baskets! They were 4 laundry baskets filled with everything needed for a successfully yummy Thanksgiving feast.

A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!  I want to thank our long time partners  Colwen Hotels for taking on 10 Angel Families and filling their Christmas wishes with presents. Target also stepped up to assist in making a special Christmas for 2 additional Angel Families. For many years Arete’ Chiropractic has helped Annie's Angels with their Angel Giving Tree. This year will be no different. Existing patients bring in a $25 gift card to anywhere and receive a FREE office visit. For new patients' initial consultation between November 20th and December 15th, bring along a $25 gift card and in return, you'll get a $68 credit towards your new patient exam! Angel Families get the gift cards to help with Christmas shopping! 

Sometimes it’s the big things we do, sometimes it’s the little things, but they are all important things that we do together. Please share our mission of hope with family, friends, and everyone you meet!
One of the most humbling phrases I hear when Angel Families send a thank you is; "I just want you to know, the help you have given my family got me in the right direction and was a huge help."  All of our Annie's Angels successes are because of YOU, the Angels Among Us who give generously and give often. Without YOU we are nothing. 

On behalf of all our Angel Families, our Board of Directors and Advisors, Diane and I thank you for an amazing 2023.

Donate Today!

Cribbage for a Cause at WHYM!  Join us this, and every Wednesday (6:30pm - 9:00pm) for weekly Cribbage for a Cause at WHYM Craft Pub & Brewery benefiting Annie's Angels Memorial Fund.

We have been seeing a huge boost in new and returning players, as well as folks who would like to learn the game to enter the tournaments! If it’s something you always wanted to learn, we are all happy to teach!! We play friendly games, (no muggins) and everyone who plays is supportive and helpful no matter how experienced you may be!!
Just $10 per person, a portion goes to Annie’s Angels and the winner takes the pot! Weekly tournament style. Hope to see you there!

Remember, we have never said NO to a family
that needs our help and meets our mission.
Please make a secure donation today!

Annie's Angels is Angel Hands; Angels Hearts
working together to help friends in need.

Angel Pets for Vets
provides companion animals, helps provide service dogs and helps get companion dogs certified as service dogs for veterans through local rescue shelters and the veterans are loving it! To keep this program viable we need your help! PLEASE make a tax deductible contribution now.
Annie's Helping Hands Oncology Program  
Annie’s Angels Memorial Fund established Annie’s Helping Hands in 2012. Annie’s Helping Hands is a multidisciplinary holistic oncology program. Participants of the program are eligible to receive Massage, Reiki and Meditation therapies for up to 6 months. Services are provided by professionals you select and must have specialized training in oncology in their field.
Please contribute to Annie's Helping Hands today!
Angel Fund
We invite YOU to become a beacon of hope for local families struggling financially through the darkness of a life threatening disease, illness or disability, YOU can be a connection neighbor to neighbor, friend to friend and business to business and we invite YOU to be part of a caring fundraising network.
Please contribute today!


Thanks to our local business owners for their contributions to this newsletter. If you have something to contribute email for consideration

If you have an expertise that could help a local family struggling financially through a life threatening disease, illness or disability and would like to share your time, talent or treasure simply email  .

If you found this newsletter helpful or inspiring and would like to donate OR to find out more about Annie's Angels Memorial Fund visit
For more Annie's Angels news and family stories visit

Don't miss a second of Annie's Angels fun. Check out the entire list of events at 

"Annie’s Angels is Angel Hands, Angel Hearts working together to help friends in need."
Best Regards,

Bill DaGiau, Founder & President
Annie's Angels Memorial Fund Inc.

www.anniesangels. org
a 501(c)(3) charity
Awarded: 2016 Lori Breard Achievement in Leadership Award 
2016 Hampton Chamber of Commerce Community Service Award
2X TownSquare Media Year of Service Award Winner
2015 Exeter Chamber of Commerce Nonprofit Business of the Year
3X United States Presidents Service Award for Volunteerism

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