Trevor's Miles

Trevor's Miles

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Trevor's Miles

Trevor Miles is used to challenges. He had an especially tough winter medically. He faced everything with such bravery and humor. His uplifting and strong spirit touched the hearts of many.

He sprouted inches and for a kiddo who grows slower than most this was amazing to witness. He looks forward to continuing to ride horses and get out on the river fishing. He enjoys everything about being outside and now that winter is behind us the time is now.

We struggle bringing him out and about to all the fantastic activities he loves so much because we don’t have a wheelchair accessible van. We are looking forward to holding fundraisers to change this. We thank everyone who has donated and helped us so far!

Seeing the community pull together for Trevor has touched our hearts. We are excited to make this dream a reality!!

Please help us walk this road. Trevor’s Miles are long and hard but he has never quit and we will never quit on him. Please contribute today!
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