Support for Myla Fund

Support for Myla Fund

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Support for Myla Fund

We've raised $3000 of Our $4000 goal!

Since her car accident in 2009, Myla has struggled with recovering from her traumatic brain injury. She works hard every day at healing and recovery. Things that you or I would take for
granted become a bit more monumental for Myla and her family. 

Take for instance, a trip to the dentist. Let’s set aside the actual trip, getting ready and the travel. Let’s just talk about a simple checkup, cleaning and possibly some fillings. The checkup
reveals that Myla will need an Adult Professional Cleaning and 3 fillings. Because of Myla’s TBI, this dental work will require a minimum of 2 hours sedation, at $850 per hour…NOT covered by
insurance. The cleaning, fillings etc will cost more than $1500.00…also NOT covered by insurance.

Myla has been a member of our Angel Family for a very long time. We are helping her raise $4,000 to cover her sedation and dental work. Please help us reach this goal.

Please make a tax deductible donation today!
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