Hello, meet Isaac! He is our amazing third child born August 8, 2018. He has two siblings- Caleb age 12, and Willow age 5. At the 20 weeks ultrasound, we were told Isaac would be born with Spina Bifida with Hydrocephalus. We knew there would be many "mountains to climb" for him but knew we could get through it together. Shortly after he was born, he developed a bacterial brain infection called Ventriculitus. Our lives were turned upside down from the day of the routine ultrasound to today but after being told so many different daunting things about his quality of life, prognosis etc. we are happy to say Isaac continue to suprise us and is such a bright light, always smiling and always laughing, we can't imagine life without him!
Isaac has experienced 6 surgeries in just his first year of life. The first was to close the opening in his spinal cord, and then several to treat the Hydrocephalus and brain infection. He also has had a tethered cord resulting in the need for another surgery. He continues to have routine monitoring of his brain and spine by means of sedated MRIs, x-rays, and also has Urodynamic studies done every few months to keep an eye on his urinary system. Isaac has had some difficulty with his pelvic floor and weakness in his ankles so recently he has started to wear AFOs to give him the ability to learn how to stand and eventually walk with a little help.
There are many mountains Isaac will face in his lifetime, some bigger than others. His needs are evolving and we are learning more about his condition and specific needs each day. While we have done as much as we can on our own through insurance or out of pocket, (Ex. securing a team of physical, occupational therapists, chiropractic care, acupuncture, craniosacral therapy) as a family of five, some things are just too expensive for us to tackle all by ourselves. Isaac currently needs a bumbo wheelchair to get around our home, and we would love to continue working with Project Walk Boston but his scholarship runs out in the fall and they don't accept insurance. We would also love to enroll him in music therapy as music has been the one thing that relaxes him especially when he's feeling down.
We know Isaac will have more surgeries in his future, and leaving our full time jobs to be with him 24-7 in Boston with costs of childcare for our other children, meals, and gas is always a challenge. Isaac is an amazing little boy who is stronger and braver than we ever imagined he'd be. His siblings have been incredibly supportive and have on many occasions explained to inquiring strangers about their brother and his condition. We love him endlessly and thankful for him. Our family is always grateful for any support that Isaac may receive to help him thrive and climb every mountain. Thank you!"