Colt's Medical Expense Fund

Colt's Medical Expense Fund

 Time Left to Donate to Support for Colt's Fund

Countdown finished!

Colt's Medical Expense Fund 

We remember being 30 weeks pregnant and talking with a group of doctors including, high risk pregnancy Dr, Neuro logist, Neurosurgeon and being told our son suffered an intracerebral and intraventricular hemorrhage. We were told Colt will likely be
neurologically compromised (not able to walk, talk, eat, breathe on his own).

2 years later we are enjoying watching Colt grow. It has not been an easy two years, but we are so blessed to have him. While things are medically quiet, we thought it prudent to begin looking towards our future, so we have begun to build Colt’s Medical Expense Fund.

This fund will be used for unexpected medical needs and equipment not covered by insurance like a wheelchair van, a Hoyer lift system, c-pap, and other things we can’t begin to imagine.

We are asking for your help. Please make a tax deductible donation to Colt’s Medical Expense Fund today. 

From our family to yours, THANK YOU.

Please make a tax deductible donation today!
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